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The Swinemars - A Cleveland Beach Family Session

Three little girls in denim dresses?! Love, love, and love!! I had so much fun capturing this amazing family. The Swiminer's were in front of my lens 2 years ago on the very same beach, and both times we were gifted with the most beautiful summer evening. Oh how I love to watch families grow! As any mama will tell you, little girls grow up so fast and suddenly become these gorgeous ladies with the most amazing smiles. And those babies that don't stay babies for near long enough! These girls were sweet and beautiful and so very much fun, and I am so honoured to be chosen to capture all of this family's sweetness. Thank you Swinemar family, I am thrilled to have the privilege of watching you grow!

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Tangled Tree Photography + Flowers - Gillian Penkala
Hackett's Cove, St. Margaret's Bay, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

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